Cannabis Alchemy book

Cannabis Alchemy

by D.Gold

Smoking Oil by Direct Vaporization

There are several customary methods for smoking of oil by direct vaporization with heat. The most common is the glass oil pipe, or vapor pipe. The oil is placed in the glass bowl of the pipe and the pipe is heated from below with a flame, similar to the method for smoking opium. This is a very efficient method, as very small amounts of oil may be vaporized at one time.

Another method for smoking oil straight is to place a tiny dab of it on a piece of aluminum foil. The foil is then heated from below with a match and the smoke is inhaled from above the boiling oil through a tube or funnel. This is essentially the same as smoking in a glass pipe, except that a new spot may be used each time and there is no build-up of residue at the point of vaporization. Before using, the foil is heated in a gas flame to burn off any part of the foil which might also vaporize.

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