The Cannabis Grow Bible

The Cannabis Grow Bible

by Greg Green

Cleaning your grow room

It is very important to keep your grow room lean. If this cannot be maintained you should stop growing marijuana immediately, because diseases can arise very fast in a filthy environment. These toxic elements can mess up the crops in a very short period and ruin the quality of your harvest, making it useless for the production of medicinal marijuana. A good hygiene influences quality of your marijuana product a great deal.

Important: keep all animals out of the growing room and away from your cannabis garden. Animals may carry bugs and bacteria that are potentially harmful and infectious to your harvest and some animals also like to eat the plants, which obviously ruins your harvest.

The grow room has to be disinfected with bleaching agent before you put the cannabis plants in their places and this should be repeated after every harvest. The bleaching agent kills bacteria, diseases and other microorganisms that could harm your garden.

During the growing process all the withered leaves and those that have turned yellow or dropped off should be removed. Marijuana that shows any traces of fungus immediately becomes useless; no one wants to smoke or consume fungus and it is very unhealthy.

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