The Cannabis Grow Bible

The Cannabis Grow Bible

by Greg Green

Outdoor security

As we have said before the best way to secure your outdoor garden plants is via a shelter. One must also remember that some outdoor plants do smell and this can carry over a short distance given the right wind and the right climate. Most people would not know what the smell is but some DO! Many growers get around this problem by growing cannabis plants that have very little smell during flowering. These types of strains are listed by most seed-banks. Again you should ask about strains that have low smell levels. All Cannabis plants smell to some degree during flowering.

The other thing to do is to make sure that during harvest time you have harvested as quickly and as privately as possible. Standing over a small shelter putting cuttings of cannabis into a big black bag is not exactly the most secure way to go about this. Some people go out to their garden with black plastic bags and drop the bag over the plant before pulling it up. This way you will not expose your crop to anyone. Some people do their harvesting at night. This is not recommended though as it can draw unwanted attention to you.

If you are growing your plant outdoors in the open without a shelter and away from the general public then you may want to create a pen for your plants. A pen made from chicken wire will prevent any unwanted predators such as deer or rodents from eating your plants. Predators are a big problem with outdoor growing. We will talk about pests later.

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