
Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes Hydroponics Hydroponics stores make their money selling you hydroponic systems. The salespeople are knowledgeable and can tell you a lot about the systems they…

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Draining Water

Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes Draining Water Marijuana does not like dry or soggy soil. Soil kept too wet drowns the roots, squeezing out oxygen necessary for nutrient absorption.…

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Moving Water

Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes Moving Water A readily accessible water source saves time and labor. A 4×4 foot garden containing 16 healthy plants in 3-gallon pots needs 10-25…

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Bad Water

Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes Bad Water If the raw irrigation water has a reading of more than 300 ppm, or the sodium level is above 50 ppm, or…

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Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes EC / PPM Fertilizers (nutrients) carry an electrical current when dissolved in water. Nutrient (salt) concentrations are measured by their ability to conduct electricity…

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Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes pH The pH scale, from 0-14, measures acid-to-alkaline balance. Zero is the most acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is most alkaline. Every full-point…

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Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes Water Clean, balanced water is essential to grow marijuana. Water that tastes good to drink is usually okay for plants. Good water typically has…

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Masking Agents

Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes Masking Agents Essential oils available in several products actually kill odors by creating a neutral atmosphere at the atomic level. Such products are usually…

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Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes Fragrance Cannabis has the most pungent fragrance from when it begins to flower through the end of harvest. Before flowering, many strains of growing…

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