How Long Does Delta-8 THC Stay In Your System?

Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC have several similarities. Among the differences in their sources. Delta-8 comes from the hemp plant, while delta-9 comes from the marijuana plant. Another one is that the double bond in delta-8 is positioned on the eighth carbon chain and the ninth chain in delta-9.

Get your delta-8 THC from the Ministry of Hemp and discover the amazing effects. Delta-8 delivers a more tranquil high that is pleasant and is not as intoxicating as the regular THC. Its impacts are psychoactive but therapeutic and relaxing.

You might fail a drug test after taking delta-8 THC. Delta-8 molecules appear on drug tests just like delta-9 THC. The molecules will stay in your system long after the delta-8 effects have worn off.

The Duration of Delta-8 in Your System

Although the effects of delta-8 only take a few hours, the metabolites take more time to leave your body. Eighty to ninety percent of THC metabolites are flushed out within five days through excretion.

When you take a single dose of delta-8 THC for the first time, the metabolites last in the body for about three days. On a daily user, it can up to a month, while people who use delta-8 three to four times a week can have it staying in their systems for around a week.

Several factors can impact how long delta-8 remains in your body. They include:

Frequency of Use

Frequent use increases the levels of delta-8 THC in your body. The more you consume it, the more it lasts in your system. It takes the liver and the kidney longer to clear out the metabolites if you use delta-8 more frequently.

Levels of THC

More potent delta-8 THC remains for long periods in the body. The higher the dose you consume, the more it will take to clear from your body. Small amounts clear fast. Your levels of tolerance to THC also influence the length of duration of delta-8 in your body.

Method of Consuming Delta-8 THC

Taking delta-8 in the form of edibles remains in the body for a more extended period. The process of digestion and processing by the liver is slow and extends the duration of delta-8 in the body. Smoking and vaping hits fast but fades off quickly. Using tinctures remains for a lengthy time in the bloodstream.

Type of Drug Test

Saliva tests can test positive for THC for up to 34 to 48 hours after the last use. If you use delta-8 for a few times, urine tests can test positive for one to three days while a person who uses it moderately can find that it reads positive for a week to three weeks can test positive for more than a month for a heavy user. In a blood test, THC can show for as long as 36 hours.

Body Chemistry

An individual’s body chemistry determines the amount of time the delta-8 will remain in the body. If you have a high metabolic rate, the metabolites will be flushed from the body fast and vice versa. Body water content and the body mass index influence the THC stay in your system. THC is fat-soluble and binds to fat in the body. It will therefore last longer in the systems of people with more body fat. Gender can also be a factor as females tend to have more body fat.

How to Lower the Levels of Delta-8 THC in your System

Take Food

Food rich in iron can raise your metabolism rate and consequently kick out the metabolites. A full stomach can suck up some of the THC. You can also enhance your diet with natural diuretics such as cranberry juice. Eating can also help you distract yourself.


Burning fat during exercise increases the pass rate of delta-8. A person who exercises loses more metabolites than a sedentary person. However, exercising heavily before a drug test can release more THC metabolites into your system through the burnt fat.

Drink A Lot of Water

Water helps digestion. Fast digestion improves the metabolism rate ridding the body of delta-8 faster. It will also flush out the THC metabolites through dilution and urination. Don’t drink too much water to avoid having a diluted sample, leading to suspicion and retest.

Take Activated Charcoal

You can use activated charcoal to get rid of delta-8 THC in your system. Charcoal binds to elements and aids your system remove them. It has been used medically for a long time to manage overdoses. Charcoal has a negative electrical charge. They trap the positively charged THC molecules by binding with them. The activated charcoal prevents the reabsorption of the metabolites into the bloodstream speeding up their elimination.


Delta-8 THC might stimulate appetite, ease pain, alleviate nausea and reduce stress. It can take six minutes for the effects of delta-8 to kick in and can last up to five hours. The best way to get rid of THC metabolites in your body is to abstain from taking delta-8 THC, especially if you have a test coming up.

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