Cooking With Cannabis – 5 Simple Tips To Get Started

Cooking with cannabis sounds like a daunting task for beginners, but you wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance now that weed is legally permissible and easily available across Canada. There is much that you need to learn, from choosing the right ingredients to mastering measurements and temperatures and storing the product properly. But the effort can be worthwhile, considering that you will have a delicious edible that serves you medicinal or recreational benefits as well. Additionally, you have a chance to add your personal touch to the recipe. Luckily, stirring up cannabis in your favorite recipes is pretty straightforward, provided that you follow some simple rules. Here are some tips that seasoned cannabis chefs from Vancouver have for fellow enthusiasts.

Choose the right strain

Knowing the difference between indicas and sativas is something that every cannabis newbie needs to do, all the more if you are going to mix up the edibles at home. Each strain has a different effect, so you will need to choose the one that matches the effects you desire. Consider experimenting with the strains, if you want to decide on a hit and trial approach.

Pay attention to cannabinoid content

Cooking with cannabis requires you to have a good understanding of the cannabinoid content of the recipe. Once you ingest the edible, tea, or coffee, it is the cannabinoids that give you a high feeling or medicinal relief. While CBD helps with relief from pain, anxiety, and depression, THC gives the quintessential psychoactive high that cannabis is so well-known for. It makes sense to understand both these cannabinoids and their specific effects to decide the ingredients for your edible.

Invest in quality

Another useful tip for first-time weed chefs is to prioritize the ingredient quality. Seasoned chefs who often opt for weed delivery vancouver and across the country suggest that you should buy your stuff only from a trusted seller. Have a good look at the site and check their credentials before ordering. Going through the online reviews of the real buyers is a good idea to double-check the seller’s credibility. Quality always gets you great results, so you shouldn’t think twice about spending a little extra.

Don’t use raw weed

As a beginner, you may not know that raw weed is non-psychoactive. Weed coming straight from the plant is just another vegetable such as spinach or kale and wouldn’t give you the high you seek. It has to be dried and cured to unlock the cannabinoids. Thankfully, dispensaries sell products that are already treated, so you need not worry much. Just check it once before tossing the bud in the mix.

Use a grinder

Another significant step is using a grinder to ensure that the weed is as small as possible. Grinding the herb exposes more surface area of the bud, so the solvent dissolves the maximum amount of the trichomes. These contain the majority of the cannabinoids, so you can expect the best results by infusing more of them into the recipe. Before you start cooking with cannabis, have your grinder at hand.

Preparing cannabis edibles can be overwhelming for first-timers, but the experience can be exciting as well. Following these simple tips can go a long way in making things less confusing. For the rest, let your creativity do the work!

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