hemp marijuana field

Hemp Marijuana Facts

Hemp for other uses

Currently, hemp has begun being used to create “press board” and “composite board” for construction. To make these boards, fibers are glued together from the hemp stalks while under pressure, producing a board which is more durable and elastic than its hardwood counterpart. Press-board is a perfect application for hemp due to the long fibers that the plant creates when growing. Plastic is one of the more unknown applications that hemp has due to the high-cellulose levels that come from the hurd of hemp. Varnishes and different kinds of lubricants can be created from the oil of hemp seeds, and this is just a small sampling of the many uses that hemp has. Bridges were built with mineralized hemp stalks that were made into cement according to French Archeologists, showing that hemp has been used for centuries for building materials. The bridges contained no man-made chemicals and yet somehow still produced a material that acted as building filler during the construction process. Isochanvre is what this is called, and the process is becoming more popular in France. This material can be a drywall substitute, insulating walls against excess noise and heat loss, and the material lasts a very long time. Since the introduction of Bio-plastics by Henry Ford in the early 1930s, where a car’s body was created with them, bio-plastics have been a part of many different industries. The lack of pollution gives bio-plastics a benefit over standard plastics, but it is difficult for current plastic companies to create these new types of plastics. They either have to compete with established petrochemical companies, import all of the materials that this process would require or do something illegal in order to make them; none of which are good options in the eyes of these companies.

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