hemp marijuana field

Hemp Marijuana Facts

What did you learn from this history lesson?

The first lesson you should pull from this is how hate has destroyed many things for all Americans. The “divine justice” of this outcome is showing Americans just how detrimental hatred really has been to the older ways of life. Tolerance would have saved lives, money, time, and preserved a way of life that is no longer available, instead of having the focus of fear and intolerance of people that had different racial backgrounds. The second lesson this should teach you is how to properly use Democracy. Had people chosen to be more informed, which is easily possible with today’s technology, some of these effects would not be a problem today. People need to stay informed of what their government is up to and take the time to make their opinions known before it is too late. The final lesson you should learn from this is how little the banning of marijuana had to do with any type of public safety issues and how much it was all politically fueled. Most people believe that cannabis should have stayed legal from the very beginning. Look at it this way. If Prohibition did not need to be in place and it was easier for lawmakers to give in to public demand, couldn’t the same reasoning stand for marijuana? Keep in mind that laws on paper are different than laws in practice, and we have experienced the US passing laws that mean more than just what is written down on paper, so always ask yourself what the possible ulterior motives could be behind a law before deciding it is a good thing.

Laws should be specific, not generalized allowing for police to take the law as they see fit, and unfortunately, many different laws concerning drugs are incredibly generalized. Most drug laws were put in place to fight kingpins, not the everyday recreational smoker. The scariest part is most of these laws created for kingpins will never be used against one. That is why the US prison system is overflowing with casual smokers or other drug users that got caught. Now, if this bothers you or you disagree with how these laws are being put into effect, then start to focus closely on what your local legislature is up to and make your opinions known.

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