hemp marijuana field

Hemp Marijuana Facts

Where did the term marijuana originate?

Originally, the term “marijuana” came from Mexican slang. The term increased in popularity during the 1930s due to American government and media programs currently referred to by the term “Reefer Madness Movement”. The term refers to the medicinal portion of the cannabis plant that soldiers from Mexico smoked. Currently, hemp in the United States is totally legal to own. You can’t be arrested for owning or wearing a shirt made of hemp or paper made of the pulp. However, in most places, if you possess the buds, leaves or flowers of cannabis plants, also known as marijuana, you can face a lot of legal trouble. You could face possible jail time and stiff fines just for having any of these materials on your person.

Now if you plan to eat the seeds, that practice is totally legal so long as the seeds are completely sterilized to where they cannot grow to reach maturity. Considering it is impossible to grow hemp from cannabis without ending up with the marijuana as well, the United States chooses not to produce products from industrial hemp. Instead, the United States substitutes other plants or imports the hemp from other countries. If you want to look into growing hemp plants legally, then you will need to fill out an application with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration). While it has happened, it should be considered rare that the DEA will give this type of permission. Even though this practice is illegal, many people still produce and use marijuana. It has even climbed to the top of the list of cash crops due to the incredible prices it can fetch when listed on a black-market.

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