Marijuana Grow Basics book

Marijuana Grow Basics

by Jorge Cervantes

Get Ready to Take Clones

Clones go through an enormous transformation when they change from a severed growing tip to a rooted plant, their entire chemistry changes. The stem that once grew leaves must now grow roots to survive. Clones are at their most vulnerable point when they are cut from the mother and forced to grow roots.

While rooting, clones require a minimum of nitrogen and increased levels of phosphorous to promote root growth. Avoid spraying during rooting because it creates extra stress. With good instruction and a little experience, you can achieve a consistent 100 percent clone survival rate. large cuttings with large stems grow roots slower than small clones with small stems, and are more prone to diseases. thin-stemmed small clones with few leaves root faster than big leafy cuttings because there are no roots to absorb water and supply moisture to foliage. A small amount of leaf space is all that is necessary to supply enough energy for root growth.

Some cuttings may wilt but regain rigidity in a few days. Older leaves may turn light green; growth slows as nitrogen is used and carbohydrates build. Carbohydrate and (rooting) hormonal content is highest in lower, older, more mature branches. A rigid branch that folds over quickly when bent is a good sign of high carbohydrate content.

Always make sure there is plenty of air in the rooting medium to stimulate root growth. Do not overwater clones. Keep the rooting medium evenly moist. Do not let it get soggy. Any kind of stress disrupts hormones and slows rapid growth.

Disinfect all tools and working surfaces to kill bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other diseases already present. use sharp scissors, razor, or razor blade dipped in alcohol, vinegar, or bleach (five to ten percent solution). Wash your hands thoroughly beforehand. get all cloning supplies ready before you start to take clones.

Make sure to have all cloning supplies within arm’s reach – rooting cubes, hormone, razor or scissors, humidity dome, etc. – before you start to take clones.

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