marijuana horticulture book

Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Marijuana Horticulture

by Jorge Cervantes

Ingredients – Naturally occurring DE includes fossilized silica shell, remains of the tiny one-celled or colonial creatures called diatoms. It also contains 14 trace minerals in a chelated (available) form.

Controls – Although not registered as a pesticide or a fungicide, DE abrades the waxy coating on pest shells and skin, including aphids and slugs, causing body fluids to leak out. Once ingested, the razor sharp particles in DE rip tiny holes in the pest’s guts, causing death.

Caution – Do not use swimming pool diatomaceous earth. Chemically treated and heated, it contains crystalline silica that is very hazardous if inhaled. The body is unable to dissolve the crystalline form of silica that causes chronic irritation.

Mixing – No mixing required when used as a dust. Mixing required when used as spray. Apply as a powder or encircle slug damaged plants and use as a barrier.

Application – Apply this spray to infestations caused by pest insects.

Persistence – Stays on foliage for a few days or until washed off.

Forms – Powder.

Toxicity – Earthworms, animals, humans, and birds can digest diatomaceus earth with no ill effects. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

Safety – Wear a protective mask and goggles when handing this fine powder t guard against respiratory and eye irritations.

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