The Emperor Wears No Clothes book

The Emperor Wears No Clothes

by Jack Herer

Surveillance and Seizures

In rural California, where cannabis growing has supported whole communities, the well armed CAMP forces go into a thick forest discovering 15-foot tall, lush, hearty eight month old plants. These are hacked down, piled up, and smothered with gasoline and rubber tires. Uncured, they burn slowly.

Elsewhere, a helicopter pilot circles over a neighborhood, peering into a heat sensitive camera pointed at a house. “We’re looking for the indoor sun,” he explains matter-offactly.

“We only pursue specific objectives,” houses where grow lights have been bought or
some other tangible basis exists to suspect “manufacturing a controlled substance”: a felony.

“Look, there’s the light from the house.” His thermal-sensitive screen shows heat leaking out from under the eaves of the house. Site confirmed.

Next they obtain a search warrant, raid the property, seize the house under civil proceedings, and prosecute its inhabitants under criminal law.

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